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俱乐部和其他学生组织帮助你找到你的朋友, 拓展你的思维, 帮助社区, 或者创造你想在社交媒体上发布的回忆. 当你参与并担任学生组织的领导者时, you also build up your resume for when these college memories truly become memories and you trade your sweats for a suit, 或矮, 或者周五的商务休闲装.
这所大学有各种各样的俱乐部供学生参加. 学生社团需要每年通过学生会注册, 因此,每年俱乐部的数量可能会根据学生的兴趣而有所不同.
任务: To encourage students to practice and promote the creative endeavors of design and become more active in the graphic industry through events, 演讲者, 和旅游.
向学生展示你可以用设计做什么,并进一步实现AIGA的整体目标, 美国图形艺术协会, which is a professional organization for design that aims to: Advance design as a professional craft, 战略优势, and vital cultural force… to enhance the value and deepen the impact of design across all disciplines on business, 社会, 以及欧博体育共同的未来.”
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: Provide Christian fellowship for a diverse group of students and help students develop a living and growing relationship with Christ through Biblical teaching on salvation through Christ’s death and resurrection, 圣灵的洗礼, 祈祷, 敬拜, 修建一座通往当地教堂的桥梁, and providing a nurturing fellowship where students can exercise their faith and practice 领导 skills.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To create a safe place for black students and their allies on campus and to make sure that their voice is heard. 这些学生应该知道这里是他们的社区,他们并不孤单. 同时在校园里开展更多的活动来建立黑人社区.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To introduce students to the way of boxing and to teach others how it can be a great coping method.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
对所有学生开放; Primary Campus – Troy
任务: Our club’s mission is to give students the opportunity to continue their cheerleading career, 或者学习一项新的运动,同时支持运动队和提升学校精神.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To provide everyone the opportunity to come and dance regardless of skill level with an opportunity to perform in the annual spring dance show.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
使命:提高意识, 推动社会变革, 并通过政治参与加强问责制. 民主问题 is a non-partisan club that gives the Sage community opportunities to advocate for political representation and influence legislation made on all levels of government.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
有限的会员. 必须经过选举.
任务: To be the voice of the Russell Sage Student 社区 and foster growth within the clubs, class, 以及两个校区的组织
联系信息: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To bring together future educators for shared initiatives that benefit the community at large and support our shared goal of becoming transformational educators.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To bring the community of Russell Sage together in the form of having fun with your friends and a place where all are welcome to take part in fun.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: Facilitate extracurricular art experience and discussion for both art and extended media students and others.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To inform students that are in the pre-pa/pre-med track of what will need to be done to achieve their career goals and give them the tools necessary and available for their future goals.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To create a safe space for individuals who identify or are allied with the LGBTQIA+ community and to offer support to local queer-owned businesses and organizations to flourish and thrive.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: catlij@kkk38.net
使命:一个月读一本书, 每本书都是由俱乐部成员挑选的, and meet twice throughout the month to discuss and host small bookish events (used book flea markets, 看方, 等.),并前往其他更大型的书斋活动或地点.
联系信息: (电子邮件保护)
使命:鼠尾草成长是所有对植物感兴趣的学生的俱乐部, 园艺, 照顾好自己的健康. It is the goal of the club to engage members in learning about plant care as a method of self-care
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To create a space where students who are passionate about psychology can explore their educational interests with one another.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: This club is designed to be a place where people enrolled or interested in nursing or they do not have to be in nursing. It is a safe place to collaborate and share the same interests and make a connection with other students. Share ides with each other and also do something good for the community by planning some event to help some communities.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
任务: To build community on campus in support of our athletic teams and build a bridge between student athletes with non-student athletes.
更多信息请联系俱乐部主席: (电子邮件保护)
如果你找不到 完全 不管你喜欢什么,你都可以把你喜欢的东西带到学校来. 你可以与奥尔巴尼和特洛伊的学生生活办公室合作,成立新的俱乐部. Students can charter a club and submit a budget request to the 学生会协会 to gain funds to support club activities throughout the year.
了解更多关于俱乐部的信息, contact the director or assistant director of student activities in the 学生生活办公室 on either campus. (在本页底部找到他们的信息.)
你可以学习和享受乐趣(参见:荣誉社团). Russell Sage also has had several honor societies that recognize student achievements within and outside the classroom. 了解更多关于下面的内容.
雅典人是罗素·塞奇学术荣誉协会. 它由三年级和四年级的学生组成,他们的累积平均成绩为3分.4 .经过4个学期的工作.
欧博体育的这个社团认可学生的参与, 领导, 为大学社区服务. 圣圈的成员都是品格高标准的学生, 良好的体育精神, 和行为. The members are expected to continue to promote and retain interest 为大学社区服务. The criteria for membership include a class standing of at least a second-semester sophomore, 累积平均成绩不低于2分.7, the accumulation of a required number of points as prescribed by the 圣人圆 Point Sheets, and the overall recognition of high standards exhibited by the student as viewed by the current members of 圣人圆.
许多学术部门都有自己的国家认可的荣誉协会. Students can consult with faculty department chairs to find out about what opportunities are available in their academic programs.
Russell Sage的活动. 避免乐趣是不可能的.
户外嘉年华. Pickleball. 摩托车足球. 电影. 桌游之夜. 特邀演讲嘉宾. 为你的Sage Gators加油. We’re always planning activities to keep you engaged and entertained when you’re not hitting the books.
欧博体育的两个校区位于两个令人兴奋的首都地区城市,有很多活动, 包括桌游咖啡馆, 咖啡店, 电影院, 餐厅, 购物, 公园, 博物馆, 和更多的.